Friday, May 1, 2015

Nou Yu Se It, Nou Yu Doen't — aand Nou Yu Du Agen

Laet laast Súndae, I took tha fóeto beeló uv tha lorj fóuntan beetwéen tha Lianz on tha Laek tu tha west in Braanch Brook Pork aand tha Katthéedral Basílika uv tha Sáekrad Hort tu the eest just outsíed tha Pork.

I háadan't seen tha bulk uv such chére blósamz aaz reemáend in Braanch Brook Pork. I wuz laet géting tu tha Pork this yeer, aand wuz afráed thaat méne treez haad laust moest uv thair bluemz. But beekáuz I got tu tha Pork tue laet in tha dae on Súndae, háaving táekan méne píkchurz Dountóun óorleur, I took piks óenle in the áirea uv tha Lianz on tha Laek. I wuz, in éne kaes, not háape witth tha piks uv tha Katthéedral/Basílika thaat I took on Súndae, beekáuz tha sun reeflékting frum tha staend-glaas wíndoez (wers in sum piks thaan in this partíkyoolar píkchur) wuz distráakting. So I reetúrnd tu tha Pork on Wénzdae, witth mi ferst stop béing tha Lianz on tha Laek tu taek béter píkchurz uv tha Lianz, fóuntan, aand Katthéedra. Tu mi dismáe, tha fóuntan wuz not runing!

I took a fyu piks tu dókyoomant tha Basílika aand líanz — aand the áabsans uv tha fóuntan — then droev on tu tha Chére Blósam Sénter, in Bélvil — hwich, I tthingk, liek évre port uv Ésaks Kóunte, shood be anékst tu Núark.

Aláung tha wae tu tha Chére Blósam Sénter, I stopt tu se if tha twin fóuntanz in a náurthern páurshan uv tha Laek wer wérking. Thae wer. Boetth. So hwi wuz tha moest próminant fóuntan, neer tha Líanz, not wérking?

Áafter wáuking eksténsivle in tha visínite uv tha Chére Blósam Sénter (piks tu fólo), I droev on tu the áirea uv hwut I tthingk uv aaz a mílraes but iz áakchuale just a kónkreet-kantáend streem sum 10 aur maur feet beeló tha saróunding teráen, deep witthín tha Bélvil páurshan uv tha Pork. I aam saad tu reepáurt thaat ports uv thaat áirea or FÍLTTHE, fild witth traash.

Thair wer a númber uv núele pláantad treez (preezúemable flóuaring chéreez) in thaat áirea.

Aaz I waukt thaat traash-mord áirea, it akérd tu me agén thaat I tthingk skuelz shood enlíst pyúepoolz (noet: I doen't tthingk tha werd "stúedant" réele kúverz a lot uv kidz, hu stúde óenle grújingle, if aat aul, unlés thae or faurst tu) íntu kléenup kruez tu maek up faur tha disgráesfool beeháevyer uv úther péepool. Such aaktívite need not be kampúlsare but vólantère, bi hwich partísipants ern "ekstra krédit", thaat sum kids hu or not dúing wel in klaas miet be glaad tu akrú. ÉVRE skuel in a plaes liek Núark shood engáej kidz in náeberhòod aand pork kléening aaktívitèez, hwich wood imprés apón tha kidz hou distrúktiv "lítering" — strúing traash apón tha woorld — réele iz. Theez kidz wood lern hórtile tu dislíek háaving tu kleen up áafter disgústing slobz, aand lern aaz wel, áafter a job wel dun, thaat kleen iz byúetifòol, aur, aaz we yuezd tu sae hwen I wuz a chíald, "Klénleenas iz nekst tu gódleenas."
I then droev baak tu tha Núark sékshan uv tha Pork, tu se if tha rélatìvle smaul fóuntan in tha súthernmoest páurshan uv tha Pork, ópasit Mees vaan der Róa'z Kólanáed Apórtmants híeriez, wuz wérking. I haad not chekt thaat beefáur I hédad naurth tu Bélvil. Thaat trip tu tha laast uv tha Braanch Brook fóuntanz reekwíurd me tu driev paast the Lianz on tha Laek, aand, aaz I apróecht, I wuz vére plézantle surpríezd tu se thaat tha fóuntain in the mídool uv tha Laek wuz wérking agén!

I then got mi piks uv tha fóuntan, tha líanz in tha fáurground, aand tha Katthéedral Basílika in tha báakground aat tha hiet uv dae, witth no glair frum tha wíndoez uv tha Basílika. So byúetifòol.
Tha muen iz vízibòol in this nekst píkchur, abúv aand tu tha riet uv tha Lían (nou naemd "Paat") thaat apéerz on tha riet aaz yu faes tha Basílika.

Tha laast uv tha fóuntanz in Braanch Brook Pork iz this rélativle smaul spout neer tha bóetqhous. This kloes, it dúzan't look smaul aat aul, tho. Tha maan in the óranj shert iz físhing faur trout, hwich iz stokt in tha Laek faur aangglerz.

Tha laast fóetoez I wil sho toodáe or uv a daug aand hiz óener thaat I enkóunterd neer tha bóetqhous.

I aaskt tha yung maan if tha daug wuz aan Íngglish bóoldaug, aand he sed yes. That's a fáirle unyúezhual breed faur Núark. I aaskt tha daug'z naem: Roezáe, a French name, not Íngglish. He sed it wuz faur hiz fáevarit dringk. Then I aaskt hiz oen name: Hoesáe. I liekt that: Hoesáe aand Roezáe.

Thair yu haav it. Tha fóuntan wuz thair on Súndae, gaun on Wénzdae aat 4:10p.m., aand baak on Wénzdae bi 6:10p.m. I doen't noe hou áufan theez óutajaz akúr, but if yu vízit thaat áirea aand tha fóuntan ízan't wérking, it miet kum baak on if yu stae a hwíal.