Friday, July 24, 2015

'... aand tha Líving Iz Éeze'

Laung poest, aulmóest 1,800 werdz, witth 19 fóetoez. Noet: Daets uv poests or tha daet FAUR hwich eech iz inténdad, not HWEN eech iz uplóedad.

It's súmertìem, aaz tha saung sez, aand, maur spasíficalè, tha "daug daez", hwich or tue hot faur méne uv us tu du much but taek it éeze. I did aténd the óepaning reesépshan uv tha "Graféete"ort sho aat Síte Witthóut Wauls Gáalere a week agó (Fríedae, Joolí 17tth) aand boetth morcht in tha Gae Pried Paraed aand waukt around the Pried Fest in Wóshington Pork on Súndae, Joolí 19tth.

Aaz we róundad tha káurner frum Háulze Street óntu Kráufard Street, we sau a lot uv péepool stáanding outsíed the éntrans, for maur thaan tha fyu fúelish péepool hu stil smoek so or báanisht frum intéereur spáesaz. It turnz out thaat tu the riet uv tha gáalere éntrans, aan órtist wuz kreáeting a graféete órtwerk, aand tu tha left, péepool wer síening their naemz aur léeving kóments, aur súmtthing, on a lorj hiwt baurd.

Toodáe, I diskús tha sWOW reesépshan a week agó. I shoed tue piks frum thaat eevént laast Fríedae, aat t the end uv a vére laung poest. The èksibíshan iz diskríebd aat tha sWOW wébsiet. Heer, hóepfoolè réedabòol, iz a stáetmant thaat apéerd witthín tha gáalere.

Mi frend Jére kaem in frum Manháatan tu akúmpanè me tu tha sho, aand serv aaz mi fued krític faur tha reefréshmants, sins mi faek teetth orfaur kozmétik púrpasaz óenle, aand I káanot eet in públik. He sed tha fud wuz béter this tiem thaan tha laast reesépshan he haad aténdad thair. I jénrale óenle haav sum wien áafter I'v maed tha roundz uv the órtwerks aand táekan mi piks. But bi tha tiem I wuz dun witth hwut I haad tu du, thair wuz no hwiet wien left, óenle red, so I paast.

I wuz a lítool surpríezd thaat I liekt a lot uv the ort in this sho. I wuz ekspékting hwut moest uv us tthink uv hwen we heer tha werd "graféete": "taagz" in léterz aand numbers, aand lítool els. Thair wuz sum uv thaat but rélatìvle lítool, aaz yu kaan se frum mi fóetoez.

Hwial I wuz líening up tha fóeto beeló, aan órtist I met sum yeerz agó kaem out uv the sied ruem in hwich a vídeo wuz pláeing, sau me, aand sed thaat we haad met beefaur. I aaskt hiz naem. Serón (hwich iz strest on tha sékand sílabòol). He wúzan't surpríez thaat I dídan't rékagnize him beekauz he haad kut hiz beerd. Yes, indéed, we haad met aat leest twies beefáur, aand he kansént tu poez bi wun uv hiz werks aat a sho dúering a Fébruewère 2013 ort sho óepaning reesépshan aat Ésaks Kóunte Kólaj, éevan tho he jénrale avóidz béing fóetagràaft bi hiz werks. Thaat fóeto iz the sévantth in mi poest uf Morch 3, 2013. He áulso apéerz in tha ttherd fóeto in thaat poest, but not bi hiz ortwerks. (I tthingk tha tue werks shoen just beeló, this fóeto uv which I wuz líening up hwen Serón sed heló, or boetth hiz.)

Náachrale I aaskt if he'd be wíling tu be shoen bi hiz fáevarìt werk (uv hiz) in tha sho, aand he wuz amyúezd thaat he found himsélf kansénting. He nue hwair he wóntad tu staand, beetwéen tue dífrant werks on tha waul not for frum the éntrans.

I aaskt hwi thair wer (òrtifíshal) róezaz aróund tha fraem uv tha lórjer pees, aand he ekspláend thaat it wuz a mamáureal tríbyuet tu Jae Háezoolwood, a Núarker hu died in Juen aat, I tthingk Serón sed, age 42 (the Stor-Léjer óebit sez 43). Hwen I aaskt hwut he died frum aat so óorle aan aej, Serón sed he wuz a víktim uv kriem, aan aul tue kóman kauz uv óorle detth in ports uv this síte, aand útherz aul aróund tha Naeshan (aand woorld ; thair iz nútthing yuenéek tu Núark aur the Y.S. abóut kriem).

I wuz not iméedeatlè áebool tu disérn ménshan uv Jae Háezoolwood in tha sho'z óepaning gráafik, abúv. I stil kaan't maek out much but "Hazelwood. Mi fóeto uv Serón duz not inklúed kwiet aul uv tha pees on tha riet, beekauz I haad tu staand diréktle fáesing him, aand thair wuz a portíshan beehíend me thaat kept me frum báaking up for eenúf. But óorleur, beefáur I nue thoez wer Serón'z werks aand thaat I wood be shóeing him stáanding beetwéen them, I wuz áebool tu get boetth werks in wun fóeto bi táeking tha píkchur frum auf tu tha sied, then yúezing tha Perspéktiv Karékshan Tuel in mi gráafiks próegraam tu stráetan them out.

This nekst píkchur shoez tha vídeo abóut graféete ort thaat wuz pláeing in tha sied ruem thaat Serón eemérjd frum. If yu go tu this sho, dóen't fargét tu chek beehíend tha héve blaak draeps faur tha vídeo prèzantáeshan.

Tha fóeto beeló shoez the áirea fórthast frum tha gáalere éntrans if yu wauk aláung tha waulz. If yu tthingk yu se a famílyar faes frum the aríginal Stor Trek T.V. séereez in tha mídool uv the órtwkers in thaat fóeto, yau'r riett.

I kaan't reed tha ríeting on it, but tha meer inklúezhan uv thaat píkchur not laung áafter Lénard Nimói'z detth on Fébruewère 27tth seemd tu me stráenjle túching, éevan kúmfarting.

Thair wer sum péesaz in the èksibíshan spasífik tu Nu Jérze jénrale aand Núark in partíkyoolàr, aaz iz shúerle apróepreat.

In adíshan tu tha werk shoen abúv, thair wer sum N.J. líesans plaets aand a bus sien faur #72 tu Núark Pen Stáeshan, but mi fóetoez uv thaat gruep didan't turn out riet.

Tha sho engáejd vízitèrz, perháaps maur thaan tha típikal ort èksibíshan, aaz índikàet bi tha fóetoez abúv aand beeló.

Tha pees beeló iz áabstraakt, but yu miet, aaz I du, espí a faes in tha mídool.

Nou faur a reel faes, thaat uv Jaemz Wílsan, hu kyúeraetad this èksibíshan. I ménshand tu him thaat this wood be tha ttherd tiem I'v shoen him in mi blog. Tha ferst páurtrat apéerd aaz tha 37tth (no joek) fóeto in mi poest uv Morch 13, 2013, bi hiz skéchaz in the èksibíshan "Nuark Ort aand Órtists" in tha Núark Públik Líebrère. Tha sékand wuz in mi diskúshan uv ÓrtRèech XXII aat SWOW in hwich he servd aaz ménter (níentth fóeto). He haad bin wun uv tha teen órtists paird with a ménter in tha vére ferst ÓrtReech próegraam, so wuz "páeing fáurward" tha buest thaat thaat gaev tu hiz ortístik karéer. Tha fóeto beeló iz tha ttherd. He wuz awáir uv that.

Aulthó Jaemz poezd bi tue uv hiz oen werks, I reemórkt on hiz sérving aaz kyúeraeter faur the entíur sho. 'Yu deesíedad hwair évre pees shood go, neer úther werks thaat seemd apróepreat?' I sed he did a good job, so he miet haav a fyúechur in kyúeraeting maur thaan just kreáeting hiz oen werks. In this nekst gruep uv faur órtwerks, óenle tue seem pláenle uv a graféete tiep.

The èksibíshan dru a good kroud.

Tha laast pees I sho toodáe iz a fóol-sìez léther jáakat witth a kortúene fáur-fìnggerd haand póeking out beeló sum graféete-stìal ríeting.

Tha Graféete sho runz til 6:00 p.m. Sáaturdae, Áugast 8tth aat 6 Kráufard Street, Núark, N.J. 07102-2412. Foen: (973) 622-1188. Faaks: (973) 622-2941. Graffiti show runs till 6:00pm Saturday, August 8th, 2015 at 6 Crawford Street, Newark, NJ 07102-2412. Fone: (973) 622-1188. Fax: (973) 622-2941. Website: Gáalerè óuarz or Wénzdaez-Sáaturdaez, Nuen-6 p.m. aand bi apóintmant. (If sWOW wood liek tha naem/z uv the órtist/s in évre fóeto tu apéer in tha káapshan, I wil need them tu saplié thaat ìnfarmáeshan, keed kléerle tu tha spisífic fóeto.)

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