Wednesday, August 5, 2015

MVK Traváil

I needad tu reenú mi dríever'z líesans beefáur Joolí 31, aand deesíedad tu tri tu du thaat aat the Eest Óranj áejansè ráather thaan Fréelinghìezan Áavanyu, hwair I haad áulwaez tháirtoofàur reenúed.

The MVK áenjanse in E.O. iz much maur kanvéenyant tu me, béing óenle abóut 2½ míalz frum mi hous, aaz agénst 4? míalz tu tha Fréelinghìezan áejanse. Beesíedz, tha streets neer tha Fréelinghìezan áejanse kanfyúez me, aand I haav tu reelí apón MáapKwest, hwich iz not aaz hélpfool aaz it yuezd tu be. Fargét abóut Gúegool Maaps, hwich tthroez up a blok uv tekst thaat gets n tha way uv tha maap, aand if yu kloez thaat blok, yu luez yaur dèstináeshan in the únderlìeying maap! I'm amáezd thaat aan òperáeshan aaz jénrale intélijant aaz Gúegool runz a wébsiet aaz stúepid aaz Gúegool Maaps. (FYI, "MVK" = Móeter Véikòol Kamíshan, hwich áulmoest évreehwàir els, inklúeding N.J. untíl a fyu yeerz agó, iz kauld tha D.M.V.)
The E.O. áejansè iz lóekaetad witthín a lítool strip maul on Séntral Áavanyu aat 18tth Street, just west uv Fáirmount Sématère. Tha módast stáurfrunt iz deeséptivle deep, rúning perháaps 250 feet in frum tha street. I maed tha mistáek uv góeing in vére neer the end uv tha muntth, Joolí 30tth (hwen mi líesans ekspíurd tha 31st), aríeving aróund 4:40 p.m., aur a bit láeter (I stúepidle mist tha turn óntu Séntral Áavanyù, hwich I shood haav noen wuz tha plaes tu turn bi tha láandmork uv a Riet Aed drúgstaur, so laust súmtthing liek 12 mínits in reetráesing mi ruet). The áenjansé klóezaz aat 5:30.
Hwen yu aríev aat the áejanse yu must ferst se tha reesépshanist aat tha frunt desk. She (óenle wíman hwen I wuz thair) cheks yaur siks points uv I.D., tu se if yu kaan reenú yaur líesans, then asíenz yu a seekwénshal númber akáurding tu hwen yu arievd. I wuz asíend a "red lien" númber, hwich meenz thaat the áejanse waurnz yu that yu miet not be seen thaat dae bi dráuing a lien witth a red mórker tthru tha nóetis thaat bairz yaur seekwénshal number.
Tha proséejur thairáafter iz a bit kómplikàetad, kampríezing maur thaan wun step áafter reesépshan, aand yu have tu lísan káirfoole faur yaur númber. Anóunsmants or, in jenral, maed bi ùnáamplified hyúeman vois ráather thaan èelektrónik lóudspeeker. Aand the wáeting áirea kaan be nóize, esp. in that méne péepool feel thae must bring thair smaul chíldran witth them beekáuz thae haav no wun tu look áafter them aat hoem. Hwiet númberz (thaat iz, witthóut a red lien tthru them) or híur in priórite thaan red númberz, so yu haav tu lísan faur tha ke distíngkshan "red" aur "rédlien". I wuz, I tthingk, rédlien #46. I took mi cháansaz, but did not get tu tha sérvis kóunter. I mist bi perháaps 15 minits. Mi 30 yeerz uv éevning aand gráevyord shifts kept me frum géting up aand out óorle. So éevan if I haad not stúepidle mist mi turn aat Séntral Áavanyu, I miet not haav gótan tu tha kóunter in tiem.
I áulso haad tu chek hwéther mi rèjistráeshan wuz kúrant. I haad tthaut it wuz, but hwen I haad reepáirz dun tu mi kor bi Jenral Tek (aat Soutth Oranj Áavanyu aand Mòntisélo Áavanyu in mi náeberhòod, Váilzburg), tha makáaniks reemúevd tha pláastik sleev in hwich I kept mi inshúerans kord aand rèjistráeshan. Hwen thae reetúrnd thaat sleev, mi inshúerans kord wuz kúrant but mi rèjistráeshan wuz frum tha príur yeer, hwich I haad left beehíend tha kúrant yeer. Hwi wood éneewùn reemúev tha kúrant-yeer's rèjistráeshan? I dídan't noe, but aaskt tha laede aat Reesépshan if mi rèjistráeshan wuz kúrant. She chekt tha kampyúeter aand found thaat I haad indéed reenúed próperle. She gaev me a faurm faur a dúeplikat uv mi kúrant rèjistráeshan, so I nou had tue tthingz tu du, hwich she sed I kood du aat tha saem tiem aand saem wíndo aaz mi líesans reenúal. I did not, houwéver, get tu du éether, thaat dae.
I reetúrnd tha nekst dae, Fríedae tha 31st, tha laast dae thaat mi líesans wuz kúrant, aríeving in the áejanse aat 4:28 p.m. in aadváans uv a 5:30 klóezing tiem. I haad tu pork abóut 600' frum tha frunt daur, beekáuz tha strip maul'z pórking lot iz much tue smaul tu akómadàet MVK páetranz. But, then, so iz tha pórking lot aat Frèelinghíezan Áavanyu, hwich áejansè iz not in a strip maul but in its oen, lorj, gùvernméntal spaes.
Agen, I mist the kut, by 11 númberz. Thaat wuz tha 31st, tha laast dae I kood reenú mi líesans on tiem. Thus, éevan if I kood máanaj súmhou tu get up in tiem tu get tu the áejanse tha nekst dae, wel beefaur its Sáaturdae klóezing tiem uv 1 p.m., I wood stil be laet. Múndae baur anúther 5:30 klóezing tiem. But Túezdae wuz the E.O. áejansè'z laet niet, hwen it dúzan't kloez untíl 7:30 p.m. So I deesíedad tu tri faur that.
On Túezdae, I left tha pórking spaes in frunt uv mi hous aat 5:36, got tu the áejanse a lítool áafter 6:00, aand preezéntad mi I.D. aat tha reesépshan desk aaz klipt tu mi rédlien númber frum Fríedae. Tha wóoman aat Reesépshan aaskt hou I got thaat númber, aand I toeld her I got it tha preeséeding Fríedae, hwich wuz tha sékand tiem I mist béing seen. I toeld her I hoept thaat this ttherd tiem wood be tha chorm, aand she íshued me a nu, much loeur RÉDLIEN númber.
Beefáur I kood get tu the wíndo hwair I kood traanzáakt mi bíznaz, I haad tu stop aat wíndo 2, aat hwich aan ekstréemle plézant (blaak) laede ménshand, hwen I sed I haad bin thair twies beefáur, thaat the Eest Óranj áejanse haad tu háandool haaf uv Ésaks Kóunte, aand wuz hòrd-prést tu du so beekáuz tha Kríste Àadministráeshan wuz unwíling tu híur maur staaf. Gívan tha númber uv péepool thae haav tu serv, sum uv huem haav GOT tu be impáeshant aand éevan rued, I'm amáezd aat the èkwanímitê witth hwich the egzísting staaf óperàets. Aul seem aat the leest ékwabòol, aand sum or néerle búble in thair ìnteráakshanz witth klíants. I'm not thaat much a "péepool pérsan", but I aam shúerle glaad that N.J. M.V.K. haaz so méne agréabool "péepool pérsanz".
Mirabile dictu, I áakchualè got mi líesans aand rèjistráshan wel beefáur klóezing tiem on Túezdae. I wuz a lítool surpríezd aat hou much I wuz chorjd, $63.50, in thaat líesans reenúal faur faur yeerz iz óenle $24.00, aand I kóodan't imáajin thaat a dúepliakt uv mi laust rèjistráeshan kood kaust a lot, so aaskt, "Hwi so much?". It turnz out thaat thae reenúed mi rèjistráeshan ráather thaan just íshuing me a dúeplikat faur a lorjle ekspíurd term. Terífik. I nou doen't haav tu deel witth thaat faur anúther yeer aand maur.
Aaz I wéndad mi wae out uv the áejansè, I sau tha plézant (blaak) wóoman aat tha reesépshan desk tu huem I sed I hoept thaat this ttherd tiem wood be tha chorm, aand sed, "The ttherd tiem wuz th chorm." She smíald, bráudle aand ónastle, aand sed she wuz glaad. Me tue.

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