Friday, December 4, 2015

Begatthon-Boikot aand Fre-Myuezeam Tiem Agen; Baalantien Reeturning tu Nuark?

(Noet: This poest iz Fanetisìezd WITTHOUT aaksents faur silaabik stres. If yu haav a prefrans reegording tekst witth aaksents aur witthout, pleez let me noe yaur tthingking vea eemail tu

Tue regyoolarle reekuring eevents koeinsied this weekend, tha W.N.E.T. Chaanal 13 begatthon aand Baangk uv Amairika'z "Myuezeamz on Us" treet tu its kordhoelderz. I haav diskust boetth theez maaterz beefaur. In kaes yu haavan't red mi reemorks on theez topiks aulrede, let me simple reefer yu tu oorleur diskushanz. Faur mi urjing thaat no wun in N.J., aand esp. no wun in Nuark, kantribyuet tu Nuark's stoelan P.B.S. staeshan, W.N.E.T., se mi poest uv Augast 8tth. Faur a diskushan uv "Myuezeamz on Us", se mi poest uv Noevember 8tth.
Baalantien aand Nuark. I chaanst tu se this paasaj in Wikipeedea'z ortikool about Baalantien ail.
"In Jooli 2015, duering aan intervyu witth [editer uv Aul About Beer Maagazeen] Jon Hol [Hoel? Haul?], [Paabst Bruing Kumpane Prezidant aand C.E.A. Yuejeen] Kaashper hintad aat tha posibilite uv bilding a smaul bruewere in Nuark, N.J., hwair tha kumpane wuz arijinale foundad."
I reemember, frum chialdhood, seing Baalantien'z tthre-ring loego on a lorj sien bi (I asuem) its bruewere, on tha baangks uv tha Pasaeik hwen we wer drieving on tha Turnpiek frum tha faamile aportmant in Paalisaedz Pork (Bergan Kounte) tu mi (paternal) graandmuther'z hous in West Aalanhurst (Monmatth Kounte). It wuz aanimaetad, aand we wer faasinaetad tu woch ferst wun ring liet up, then anuther, aand then aul tthre toogether!
Laung-tiem Nuarkerz wil reemember tha botool-shaept wuter touwer on Soutth Oranj Aavanyu aat Groev Street, hwich wuz reemuevd hwen tha Paabst Bruewere in thaat loekaeshan thaat it aadvertiezd wuz deemolisht in 2006. I took this foeto uv it stil in plaes, in mid-Juen 2006.

Tha strukchurz this sied uv tha wuter touwer or tounhouzaz goeing up, not oeld houzing kuming doun.

Hwether yu wer around tu reemember Tha Botool aur not, yu miet be intrastad in this staure frum NJ.kom on Mae 6tth, 2009. I haav not herd hwether Tha Botool reemaenz in siks peesaz in a jungkyord, aaz wood enaebool sumwun tu reasembool it, aur if it wuz meltad doun faur skraap. I sertanle hoep it reemaenz posibool tu reasembool it.
I haav diskust plaanz faur Tha Botool beefaur in this blog, but, infyuereaetingle, Guegool Pikosa haaz chaenjd tha loekaeshan uv aul tha foetoez in tue poests about Tha Botool, wun frum Noevember 30tth, 2010, the uther frum Deesember 7tth, 2010. I aam geting vere tiurd uv haaving tu fiks this kiend uv nonsens. Hwi on Ertth did Pikosa chaenj tha loekaeshan uv thoez foetoez, aaz kauzd them tu disapeer? I aam FYUEREAS aat this kraap. Hou DAIR thae? Aand HWI wood thae du such a tthing? It iz beeyond kantemptibool.
I prapoezd aat wun point thaat Tha Botool kood be rezoorektad eether in Vailzburg Pork aur West Sied Pork, unadaurnd, aur in tha shoping maul prapoezd faur the oeld Hofman Soeda botooling plaant, then Paabst Bruewere siet, perhaaps witth aadvertiezing, nuez, ets., preezentad tu tha publik on L.E.D.'s raapt around the entiur strukchur.
Tha shoping maul thaat wuz prapoezd in 2006 haaz stil not bin bilt, tho sum uv tha pialz uv demalishan rubool haav bin reeduest in hiet, if not entiurle reemuevd. Tha site haaz taekan aadvaantaj uv tha kleering uv paurshanz uv thaat airea tu straetan out Groev Street frum tha soutth tu meet up beter witth its kantinyuaeshan naurtth uv Soutth Oranj Aavanyu. Thair yuezd tu be a signifikant jog in tha roedwae aat thaat point (aaz in tha skreenprint beelo). Alaas, this roed straetaning iz the oenle sien thaat much uv eneewun haaz givan ene tthaut aaz tu hwut tu du witth thaat siet.

I stil haav tue vere good pikchurz uv Tha Botool onlien, aaz tha laast tue foetoez aat the therd foeto gaalere uv mi Reesurjans Site websiet. I'm not shuer hou I wood plaes thoez piks heer, but I wood be vere haape tu haav peepool look tthru tha foetoez in thaat gaalere aand the utherz on tha Reesurjans Site websiet. Unfaurchanatle, thair or sum foetoez mising frum thaat websiet tue. Hwi du theez tthingz haapan? I didan't chaenj eneetthing. So hwi wood foetoez thaat apeerd tu beegin witth disapeer laeter? The Internet shood be maur reeliabool, aand enduering, thaan thaat.
Thair iz aulso, aaz tha 50tth foeto in tha ttherd foeto gaalere aat mi Reesurjans Site websiet, a good pikchur uv tha Baalantien Hous aaneks tu tha Nuark Myuezeam, hwich wuz tha Baalantien faamile'z maanshan aat tha tiem tha Baalantienz stil livd in Nuark. If yu doen't kair tu look tthru aul the foetoez in thaat gaalere, yu kaan serch faur "Baalantien" faur the maanshan, aand "Paabst" faur Tha Botool. [Aakchual serchaz aat thaat gaalere wood haav tu be kanduktad in tradishanal speling, "Ballantine" and "Pabst".] But if yaur faevarit feechur uv this blog iz its foetoez, yu miet vere much enjoi thaat foeto gaalere.

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