Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rekerd-Seting Snoefaul

(Noet: This poest iz Fanetisìezd WITTHOUT aaksents faur silaabik stres. If yu haav a prefrans reegording tekst witth aaksents aur witthout, pleez let me noe yaur tthingking vea eemail tu fanetiks@aol.com.)

Sno piald hi on tha traash kaanz in mi yord in Vailzburg, tha westernmoest port uv Nuark proper.

Thoez uv yu hu reed this blog frum tiem tu tiem witthin tha Nuark airea uv kaurs noe about laast Saaturdae'z deep sno. But sum memberz uv tha Nuark diaaspara or spred wiedle akraus tha Naeshan aand woorld (such aaz foran stuedants hu atendad ouar yueniversiteez aand hu haav sins reeturnd tu thair kuntre uv aurijin, aur traavald tu ttherd kuntreez, so wood haav no such nolaj. So I preezent toodae sum tekst aand pikchurz about thaat sno eevent.

Sno stiks tu tha sieding, not just tu silz uv fiev windoez uv tha smaul aportmant hous just naurtth uv mi hous in Vailzburg, tha westernmoest port uv Nuark proper.

This foloez up mi poest uv laast Friedae about a Nuark Print Shop ort-sho oepaning liekle being snoed-out. Yes, indeed it wuz. No wun nue, hwen I uploedad thaat poest on Friedae, hou much sno we wood get. Estimats on tha vaareas Metro N.Y. T.V. wethur faurkaasts vaareed fru 6"tu 18". We got 28.1" in Nuark, aand N.Y.S. got vere litool les. So much faur "gloebool waurming".

Hi sno on garozh uv hous nekstdaur tu mien in Vailzburg. Noet thaat litool rests on tha ruef uv tha baak paurch, but thaat tha levool on tha ruef uv tha garozh iz kwiet hi, such thaat thair iz shaado on tha riet sied.

Tha sno wuz vére fien aand poudere, so blu siedwaez witth eez. But tha windz wer so straung thaat eevan weter, lorjer snoeflaeks wood haav bin kaareed siedwaez. The werd "blizard" seemz aapt, tho Miekroesauft's Enkorta Woorld Dikshanere sez thaat, teknikale, in a blizard, "windz must ekseed 56 km/35 per ouar aand tha temprachur must be -7̊ C/20̊ F aur loeur". Dikshanere.kom iz not so teknikal, but deefienz "blizard" aaz "a staurm witth dri, drieving sno, straung windz, aand intens koeld"; aur "a heve aand proelaungd snoestaurm kuvering a wied airea." I doen't noe if tha temprachurz wer beelow 20° F duering the snoefaul. Thae miet haav bin aat sum point. Aakyuwethur sez tha lo on Saaturdae wuz 23°, aand on Sundae, 17°. I asuem thaat the divieding lien iz midniet, but I doen't noe if tha sno fel oenle witthin kaalandar Saaturdae aur kantinyued intu kaalandar Sundae. In ene kaes, tha temprachurz aat ishu or aakchual, not "reel feel". Aaz tu anuther port uv tha definishan, sno in 17 staets, acounting faur hundrads uv tthouzands uv skwair mialz uv teritaure, shuerle kwolifiez aas "kuvering a wied airea", tho.

In ene kaes, tha poudere sno blu ontu mi frunt paurch aaz tho thair wer no ruef oever it, aand roez so hi thaat I stil kaanot, tthre daez laeter, oepan ene uv mi tthre daurz tu tha wied woorld, aul uv hwich oepan outward. [Karekshan: I realiezd oenle daez laeter thaat tha sied daur intu mi baesmant, oepanz inward. But the sno outsied it wuz preezumable vere hi, as wood haav maed it difikult faur me tu get out tu truj tthru deep sno tu kliem mi frunt stairz in aurder tu shuvool asied the sno thaat blokt mi frunt daur frum oepaning.] Oepaning outward iz a bilding-koed inavaeshan thaat eemerjd aafter maejer fiurz traapt mene peepool in blaezas in hwich peepool fel in frunt uv eskaep daurs thaat shood haave oepand inward but wer blokt bi faulan bodeez. A reekwiurmant thaat daurz oepan outward iz fien faur fiurz, but not faur blizardz. Yu just kaan't pravied faur aul eksijant posibiliteez, aand deesizhanmaekers optad faur wun-wae daurz thaat oepand outward, not faur tue-wae daurz thaat kood oapn eether wae. Shood we reekansider?

Wied vyu uv tha sno left bi tha blizard uv Jaanyuewere 2016 (kauld "Joenas" bi tha Wether Chaanal), frum aan eestern windo in tha gaebool uv mi ttherd flaur. Mien iz a Hous uv Wun Gaebool. Tue windoez in thaat gaeboo, but oenle wun gaebool. Aand I luv it.

Faurchanatle, thair'z noeplaes I need tu be until thair iz eenuf melting tu alou me tu oepan aat leest wun uv mi daurz, preferable tha daur ontu tha paurch. Mi oenle kansern about being snoed-in wuz thaat I inishale did not se hou I kood poot doun dri fued faur outdaur kaats, hwich kood endaenjer thair lievz if it went on sevral daez hwen evreetthing wuz kuverd in deep sno so thae koodan't get tu uther saursaz uv fued (thaat iz, hwutever thae eet hwen thae or not eeting tha Kit & Kabuedool I poot out. In tha pikchur beelo, you kaan se a shaurt trail uv kaat prints thaat endz oenle perhaaps tthre feet in frum tha roeling gaet thaat bloks tha top uv mi stairz. Hwut seemz tu haav haapand iz thaat wun aur maur kaats strugoold tu get tu tha paurch tthru aur oeve maur thaan a foot uv sno but then neether saw naur smeld fued, so turnd around aand reetreetad witthout geting eneetthing tu eet. Teribool.

Aafter muling tthingz oever, I figyurd thaat I kood fil a big (liet, plaastik) boel, senter it on a lorj touwool, aand kairfoole loeur tha touwool tthru a windo tu tha snoe-kuverd paurch, then tthro the endz uv tha touwool asied tu giv tha kaats aakses tu tha fued. Aaz uv perhaaps 16 ouarz laeter, I sau no pau traaks, so tha kaats haad not yet eetan. I hoep thae wer sleeping in relativ kumfart until thae kood get tu tha fued. Tha nekst dae I sau thaat wun aur maur haad indeed gotan tu tha boel, eetan moest uv tha kontents, aand spild sum. I then liftad tha boel and, separatle, tha touwool, witth a mekaanikal reecher, [https://www.google.com/search?q=reacher&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGq4X27sfKAhUS1GMKHSDrCMMQsAQIbw&biw=790&bih=431] reefild tha boel, aand agen loeurd it bi meenz uv tha touwoold. This proeseejur shood du niesle until I kaan get out ontu tha paurch aand kleer it, tha stairz, aand mi siedwauk witth tha sno shuvool thaat I lernd laast yeer tu keep on tha paurch. Nou thaat I tthingk uv it, keepingtha sno shuvool (aur, aaz I sumtiemz tthingk uv it, tha "sho snuvool") insied mi frunt daur woodan't du much good, sins it woodan't be laung eenuf faur me tu shuvool asied sno thaat bloks tha daur. I'l have tu chek thaat hiepotthesis wuns I kaan oepan tha frunt daur aand taek the sno shuvool in haand. If it turnz out thaat I kood kleer tha frunt daur frum tha kloesast windo if tha shuval wer insied tha hous, I wil muev it indaurz faur fyuechur eemerjanseez.

This nekst foeto shoez mi kor. Yu wil not se a kor, uv kaurs, esp. a briet-red kor, beekauz it iz kampleetle kuverd in sno. I hoep the baatere duz not go kabluewe in tha peeread duering hwich I kaanot get tu tha driever'z seet tu turn tha kor on, if oenle tu reechorj tha baatere bi runing the enjin faur 20&minits aur maur.

Aaz I oept, tha Nuark Print Shop reeskejoold the oepaning uv its ort eksibishan, "BEENEETTH THA SURFAS", tu nekst Sundae, Jaanyuewere 30tth, frum 6-10 p.m. Yu kaan se foetoez uv sum uv the ortwerks tu be shoen then, in the onlien verzhan uv the eemaild invitaeshan tu tha reesepshan. I preezentad tha tekst laast Friedae, but not the ilastraeshanz thaat or nou onlien heer. [http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=b780f16f0a5f703ec62b33c59&id=699a1e4b80&e=f43925f86b]

Vyu doun taurd tha street frum mi ttherd flaur, shoeing sno on tha ruef uv mi frunt paurch aand on tha wiedle spreding yue a fyu feet up frum tha kurb in mi sloeping frunt yord.

Tha foeto abuv shoez, if puerle, sno piald up tu aulmoesst tha midool uv tha botam paen uv a soutthward-faesing windo in mi gestruem, aand then up frum tha baes uv the uper paen, separaetad bi sevral inchaz uv kleer glaas. Tha kantaurtad plaant in frunt uv tha windo iz a draseena morjinota [tradishanal speling, "dracaena marginata"; in mi Fanetik faur Pranunseaeshan Keez, dra.sée.na mòr.ji.nót.a) faur hwich I did not pravied aadakwat sapaurt tu keep it upriet. In ene kaes, it haaz groen so taul thaat it koodan't be foole upriet aand stil fit witthin eeze reech uv tha sun frum ene windo in my hous. I luv this "dragan plaant". Faurchanatle, I haad 23 dubool-glaezd windoez instauld in mi hous hwen the preemachuer detth uv mi muther aat aej 90 due tu aan insane medikal mistaek left me witth tha hwairwitthaul tu haav mi ruef aand windoez reeplaest. Sonot much uv tha heet jeneraetad in mi hous eskaepz frum thoez windoez. Tha morjinota kaan be up agenst the (iner) glaas witthout freezing.
Tha foeto beelo shoez sno piald up maur thaan haaf tha hiet uv tha loeur paen uv aan eestward-faesing windo in mi bedruem. Yu kaan se, thus, thaat tha windz swoorld frum vaareas direkshanz in tha kaurs uv tha blizard, aaz tu pial sno agenst windoez thaat faest difrant direkshanz.

Naemz faur Winter Staurmz? Tha Wethur Chaanal haaz taekan tu giving naemz tu maejer winter staurmz. Tha naem givan tu laast Saaturdae'z iz "Joenas", aaz in tha Joenas Brutherz uv N.J., a plaes hit hord bi thaat staurm. But thaat iz a prievate aurganizaeshan's naeming praaktis, not tha Guvernmant's, aand a lot uv peepool se no need faur such naemz faur winter staurmz: [http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/01/whats-the-name-of-the-2016-blizzard/426696/]. Tho haaving a nae liek Joenas duz aufer sum kanveenyans (I kaan reemember vividle Hurikaen Kaaral, hwich faurst ouar smaul faamily boet up a litool inlat/kreek frum Saande Hook Bae in tha 1950's), or we tu naem evre wether fanomanon? Drouts? Taurnaedoez? Rainfauls? No, I doen't tthingk so. Let's just farget about giving naemz tu eneetthing but hurikaenz aand tiefuenz.

Yu kaan se in tha foetoez abuv aand beelo this paaragraaf thaat sum sno haaz bilt up on windoez looking out on mi sied yord aand naebaring houzaz.

Laast yeer'z big snoefaulz wer much weter, aand stuk tu tha treez maur dramaatikale, aaz yu kaan se frum tha foetoez in tha laater port uv mi poest uv Februewere 2, 2015. [http://newarkusa.blogspot.com/2015/02/hiding-from-cold-art-show-tonite.html] This nekst foeto shoez thaat esenshale no sno stuk tu tha braanchaz uv treez in mi visinite this tiem.

Thair wuz aulmoest no traafik on mi blok faur tue daez, but bi 7 a.m. this maurning, tha street wuz ploud, so I aam not goeing tu kamplaen about tha Site'z reespons, aaz sum absurdle unrealistik aand ungraetfool peepool haav dun. Thair iz stil verelitool traafik on mi vere laung blok (oever 1,000'), but thaat's not beekauz tha street iz impaasibool. It iz [paasabool]. Peepool kaanot aulwaez maek kup faur the ifekts uv naachural dizaasterz in shaurt aurder. Haav sum paeshans.

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